Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ring it

I might be going insanely mad. I mean, I’m about to be reunited with my so called "father" for the first time since he abandoned and isolated my brother from everyone. I must be going mad. I had to take the yellow bus to town and then walk a couple blocks through a sketchy neighborhood that often features in my local news just to finally arrive at 1306 Redondo drive. I took a long pause in front of the door, “should I bail now?” I thought to myself, “this could cause more harm then good. Take some deep breaths and knock on the door.” I felt in my right pocket; it was still there. I catch myself checking for it more then often lately. When I walked inside I was instantly reminded of him. From the paintings of football legends, to the smell of the couches, and the plain white tshirt s folded on the table, it all was just like him. I waited in anticipation for my dad to break the silence. I heard “so grown” faintly over my loud thoughts. I stepped into the living room and Joseph (my dad) told me to take a seat. “ Get comfortable and you can talk to me; tell me about it.”
I started out with, “I just still can't process anything that has happened. It was such a long time ago but it still burns in memory in my head twenty-four seven. It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever that everyone made it like his existence was never present. How could you all do that? How could any human not have a sympathetic bone in their body. All of you had the audacity to discredit and completely disrespect a life that was so precious and pure. How could we pretend he was never here? How could we pretend like your decision to send him away didn't effect all of us. How does anyone just not acknowledge a life that was genuinely positive to everyone around him? You just left right afterwards as well. You took away the one person I turned to for everything  and then you left the rest of us yourself. " It just poured out of me. One moment I was so scared and timid to see Joseph after four years and the next moment I was screaming in his living room about how screwed up his mind is. I knew I wasn't mad anymore for this. He definitely was. "I don't know how to explain myself.." He replied back to me. Can you believe that? I went through an entire episode and actually spoke to him after all he did to me and my family. I finally gave him the time of day and the energy to use my breath the speak to him. I added "all I have left of him is his class ring. That is it! You took it all and it has been like he never existed. All I have left to remember him is a 2006 class ring that is too big for me to wear. Every picture, every reminder there was that he is alive you took from me." By this time my eyes were starting to water and I could feel my heart beating fiercely through my chest. “I feel cheated and confused. You left and took him with you without a trace, not even a single clue.” Joseph asked me “What would you have done in my shoes? How would you have handled the situation?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was honestly trying to defend his actions that destroyed me for years. “I haven't seen either one of you in how long? Not that I donate much of my time missing your presence but micheal's, I miss undoubtably in all of my consciousness. He was my bestfriend and then one day he was gone. He vanished and all due to your insanity.”
“I know what I have decided has hurt you, but there was  an underlying reason for it all. ” I dug into my right pocket and brought out the newly shined, silver ring that was left on my dresser in February of 2007.  Joseph grazed the ring out of my palm and caressed it softly.  he said, “look at this”, He was referring to the inside of the ring. I began to ferociously dig my nails into the sofa and I swore steam was rising from my ears. Before I could pounce and the psychopath, the front door opened and my brother, about two inches taller and fifteen pounds heavier, was standing in the door way. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

From a Defense of Dance Natalie Rodriguez p6

A Defense of Poetry: Rewrite

Dancers, according to the circumstance of the period and nation in which the surfaced, were called, in the earlier era of the world, Angels of movement, or commissioner of energy: a dancer fundamentally comprises and unites both these characters. For us movers not only passionately possess the zeal of physical expression, and deliver such emotions in a pure, authentic manner, but we possess capture the tension felt between our bones, and the force is brought upon the eye in a state that looks effortlessly angelic. Not that I claim all dancers to be as holy as an angel in the sense that they cannot express the darkest of emotions also, or that all dancers are restricted to only willingly directing their actions to an ultimate upper power: such the display of superstition, which would make a dancer limited to one field of expression, rather than dancers being unbounded to any superior rule or guideline. A dancer participates in the eternal, the infinite, and the anatomy of one; as far as what is corresponding to our conceptions, inability, time and place are not. The physical forms which express the frame of mind of time, and he differences of persons, and the distinction of space, are adaptable with every classification of movement without injuring the well-being of the body itself; and the choruses of the book “Conditioning for Dance, “and the first teachings of Louis XIV of France (The Sun King) would more than prove and be examples of this fact, if the limits of this essay did not prevent operation.

Culture, form, breath, expression, and the natural ability of human bodies, are all instruments and materials of dance; they may be called dance but the dexterity it takes to unite all these skills is not one gained over night. But dance is a more physically straining sense of expression than poetry, language, painting, and music, which are created with an art assertion that is more capable by the less physical, whose bodies are less explored or worn, and the exhaustion from athletic performances aren’t quite as intact. And this springs from the nature itself of dance, which is more direct, physical representation of actions and passions for life being declared through exercise, and is susceptible of more diverse and tough combinations, than poetry, language, and painting. For dance is expeditiously produced by the merge of imagination and movement and has relations to athleticism with the arts; but all other materials, instruments, tools are not as pure and classic as using the body itself, which our species lives and thrives in. The breath is as the gods viewing an enchanted overwhelming of emotions, the endurance is as Poseidon ruling the roaring sea, the tolerance and patience of mastery like the Jack of all trades…

Dancers are the pharaohs of a graphic, yet physical representation of inspiration; the endurance of a God foreshadows genuine finesse; the breathe acting as a life source that provides nutrients for our physique like the art of dance does, and if you feel not what they inspire, a great deprivation has heaped upon you. The influence that moves with the flow of the body and devotedly moves senses. Dancers are the pure, silent instruments of the world.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Do you know why you are standing in this spot?

Chapter 19: Geography matters 

   Foster makes it very clear from the beginning that the location in which the story takes place, has major impacts on what events are to come in the future. His sort of witty yet informal tone helps the reader connect with the lesson on a less aggressive level. This choice of mood took away any strict, teacher like preaching idea that the reader might assume was to come. 
   To tie together each example that ustified the importance of location, a repetitive sentence structure was enforced. This concluding paragraph sentence stated his overall idea that the setting of the character enables the story to have a realm so much more ventured out then before. The sentence structure allows the reader to stay on track while still exploring different varieties of literature the relied on their geography to invent the events that happen. 
   I believe asking rhetorical questions definitely got the mind of the working working in full, efficient speed. Having to take what they have learned and applying the information to solve a problem helped them not only remember the importance of geography, but also find common relations with the subect and their own personal experiences. The inclusion of dialogue gives the reader a more personable view on the discussion. It provides a sense of visualizing the conversation taking place and is used as a tool to help the significance of location sink into the comprehension of the readers. 
   Choppy, fragment sentences are in use to list other writing tools Foster brought to attention. for example, Foster said "theme, plot and symbolism" are all supporters that are effected by geography. These over used periods used for punctuation are a gift. The reader now has time to process all of what they have taken in and is now able to digest the information. 
   I thought it was shocking that the setting can also be used as an "enemy" type of character in literature. The thought of having to go against geography itself reminded me of my childhood games. The carpet in my living-room would be the fierce lava while the safety of my coaches were my only pads holding my juvenile existence. I enjoyed the fact that imagination used in literature is still in relation with the imagination of a child. this finding was very refreshing for me.